(VIDEO) Azerbaijan: 12 civilians killed in the Armenian attack on Ganja, Armenia kills children!

A statement from the Azerbaijani Prosecutor’s Office said that the Armenian army attacked a settlement in Ganja, the second-largest city in Azerbaijan, during the night: Armenia kills children!



Photo: Source of the social network

There are a lot of posts on social networks after last night’s attack.

Unbearable to watch. How could you do this savagery @NikolPashinian? Did you put your own son and loved ones in front of your eyes when you ordered civilians to be killed? Remember your crimes against humanity will never be forgotten! #StopWarCrimes


A rocket attack by Armenia on Ganja, Azerbaijan, killed 12 civilians


Foto: Izvor društvene mreže


A child under the rubble


A statement from the Azerbaijani Prosecutor’s Office said that the Armenian army attacked a settlement in Ganja, the second-largest city in Azerbaijan, during the night.




One of the projectiles fell on a high-rise building. Twelve civilians were killed and more than 40 were injured.

Armenia kills children!

As a result of the detonation, numerous residential and business buildings and vehicles were damaged.

Source: Anatolia / Social Networks

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