German Intelligence – Xi Jinping Asked WHO To Coverup Coronavirus

According to a phone call intercepted by German Intelligence, Chinese President Xi Jinping asked WHO to coverup Coronavirus by asking the Director Dr Tedros to withhold information about a person-to-person transmission of Coronavirus and to delay a pandemic warning.

According to German Intelligence, the Chinese President Xi Jinping pressured WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to conceal the truth about the coronavirus outbreak in a January phone call.

Der Spiegel, a German news outlet, published a report this weekend that said Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service (known as the “Bundesnachrichtendienst” or BND) found that China “urged” the WHO to “delay a global warning” about the coronavirus outbreak.

Specifically, Der Spiegel‘s report said the BND determined Xi and Tedros spoke by phone on Jan. 21 and the Chinese leader asked the WHO chief to “hold back information about a human-to-human transmission and to delay a pandemic warning.” The newspaper said the BND “estimates” that China’s policy of concealing information about the coronavirus resulted in four to six lost weeks in the fight against the virus worldwide.

After the report was published WHO issued a statement denying the claim by German intelligence.

“Der Spiegel reports of a January 21, 2020, telephone conversation between Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and President Xi Jingping of China are unfounded and untrue. Dr Tedros and President Xi did not speak on Jan. 21 and they have never spoken by phone. Such inaccurate reports distract and detract from WHO’s and the world’s efforts to end the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Since the outbreak of Coronavirus in Wuhan, the Chinese Communist Party has concealed the epidemic from the local government to the central government and shirked from its responsibility. Caixin, a Beijing-based media group published a shocking report that the Hubei Provincial Health and Medical Commission ordered the destruction of Coronavirus samples. Soon after the story was gagged with the article subsequently taken down.

There is well-documented evidence that China tried to cover up the spread of the coronavirus, muzzle whistleblowers, intimidate doctors, mislead the WHO, and block outside health experts. At least one study indicated that if the Chinese government had acted more quickly, the coronavirus’s global spread would have been greatly reduced.

For latest updates on the outbreak check out our Coronavirus Coverage.

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