Dr.Jusufović: Session of the Government as a gray zone! I interpreted that as pressure to carry out a public procurement!

Director of UCC Tuzla: Even today, when I read the articles of the Law, it is a gray zone again!

You do something that is good and the lawyer interprets that you are wrong! At the session of the Government, I said clearly and loudly that I will not buy anything until it is clear to me, on paper, how!

I wish I had said what I did at the Government session, many have told me it will cost me, I am not afraid they will fire me for it! At that session, I felt that Salčin was being pressured! He could not make such a decision!

And when you apply everything Salcin said, you are in the gray zone again! How is it possible: what you bought in March is ok, and not in April ?! Respirators: whoever gets into the situation that the Clinical Center has 50 people on his devices, it is a broken system, total chaos! We don’t need respirators, maybe three, just in case, we have 57.

Nobody asked us how many anesthesiologists we have, they are the most important! We got the best Drager respirators for 60,000 km! they have it all, experts claim they are the best! Those three respirators would not save Canton, but there is that pressure to buy!

Things are done clumsily, it looks like a war to me, we will buy devices and lose doctors! Neighbors predicted the collapse of our health care system, but we are tough!

It is a state of emergency for us, a regular state of life. We won the first half. Why did you sign that the girl Nadin was going to Turkey for treatment and was rejected in Sarajevo? I signed her to go to Turkey, if we could treat her, they would do it, why would we deny her treatment, I have no vanity….

Face.ba / Balkantimes.press

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