100 reasons for 1 click, 1 reason for 100 doubts

A person known to the editorial office tried to register on the same day in order to exercise the right to one-time assistance. By inspecting the ID card and the data entered into the system, they correspond to the specified person and they are correctly entered into the system.

After trying to “CHECK LOGIN STATUS”, the system dropped the information:

“The application for a natural person was rejected due to incorrect data, please resubmit the application with correct data”

When we tried to register again, the system dropped the information:

“An individual is already registered in the one-time assistance system”

If a person’s request is rejected due to “incorrect” entered data and at the same time it is in the one-time assistance system, the question is where will the money intended for his one-time assistance end up?

In order to remove all doubts, the person tried to report the problem on the same platform:

The mentioned person has not received an answer yet. If the problem is solved and if those responsible eliminate the obvious shortcomings and illogicalities, in this particular case, the said person will immediately forward the information to our editorial office, which will inform the public in a timely manner.

The application for a one-time financial aid of 100 euros starts on May 15

Payment of one-time financial assistance of 100 euros is regulated by the Decree on the establishment of a temporary register and the manner of payment of one-time financial assistance to all adult citizens of the Republic of Serbia in order to reduce the negative effects caused by the SARS-COV-2 virus pandemic. In 2020, it was adopted at the session of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, and entered into force on the same day.

All adult citizens of the Republic of Serbia, who on the day the Decree enters into force (April 24, 2020) have a residence on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, with a valid ID card, have the right to a one-time financial assistance in the amount of 100 euros in dinars.

From May 15 to June 5, 2020, adult citizens of the Republic of Serbia will be able to apply for the payment of financial assistance exclusively in the following way: electronically, more precisely through the portal of the Treasury, or by phone. Citizens will be informed about the phone number in a timely manner, and immediately before the contact center starts working.

When registering, citizens will provide the following information – name and surname, ID card number and ID number, as well as the name of the bank in which they already have an account, or in which they want to open a dedicated account. Further, after they apply, the competent institutions will do everything for them, including opening a dedicated account.

Pensioners and beneficiaries of financial social assistance will be automatically registered for the payment of financial assistance, which will begin for them on May 15, 2020.


idp.trezor.gov.rs / Balkantimes.pres

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