Zagreb citizens again went out to the windows and balconies and pounded pots against Bandic (video)

Two weeks after the first, the citizens of Zagreb again responded in large numbers to a new protest against Mayor Milan Bandic. At exactly 7pm, a crowd of people went out to the balconies and started pounding pots to make noise about what they thought of the first person in their town. Recordings of protests from all over the city immediately began to be shared on social networks.



In other news, police in Zagreb yesterday warned organizers of the Bandic protest that they must ensure that participants who pound pots and lids on their windows and balconies do not violate the Law on Violations of Public Order and Peace.

In fact, the Zagreb Police Department actually announced that it could sanction protesters who make too much noise or put out inappropriate messages. Sanja Baric, head of the Constitutional Law Department at the Faculty of Law in Rijeka, commented today on Facebook that this warning from the police and the reference to the Law on Misdemeanors Against Public Order and Peace was not founded.

“Punching and other forms of noise, without damaging property, is part of the constitutional and conventional right to peaceful protest and public assembly and is protected by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia,” she said.

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