Today is the day of the liberation of Mecca, the 20th of Ramadan, the 8th year of the Hijra (video)

Liberation of Mecca

On the tenth day of Ramadan in the 8th year of the Hijra, i.e. in early January 630, Muhammad a. s. set out from Medina for Mecca with 6,000 soldiers. On the way to Mecca Muhammad a. s. and the Companions were joined by Muslims from the tribes that had embraced Islam, so that upon arriving on the hills above Mecca an army under the command of Muhammad a. s. numbered about 10,000 soldiers.

A year after the peace was made at El-Mear, Muhammad a. s. went to Mecca with two thousand believers to perform the duties of Hajj. Based on point 6 of the mentioned agreement, Muslims could enter Mecca only without weapons and stay in it for three days. No excess occurred during the rites in Mecca, although the inhabitants of Mecca wished and expected it. However, the mission of Muhammad a. s. it was not to control the bodies and material goods, but to control the souls of the people and thus change the life and customs of the people.

The army entered the city without resistance and bloodshed, except in the direction of Khalid ibni Walid, which was opposed by people from his tribe.



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