The first Jumu’ah prayer was performed today in the Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque in Sarajevo after the mitigation of measures introduced to prevent the spread of coronavirus

In accordance with the instructions of the competent authorities and the instructions of the Islamic Community in BiH, the present believers complied with the prescribed measures, such as the obligation to wear a protective mask and disinfect hands and shoes when entering, and to adhere to the recommended physical distance.

The first Jumu’ah prayer was performed today in Gaza Husrev-beg’s mosque in Sarajevo after the mitigation of measures introduced to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), reports Anadolu Agency (AA).

The believers present, in accordance with the instructions of the competent authorities and the instructions of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina, complied with the prescribed measures, such as the obligation to wear a protective mask and disinfect hands and shoes when entering, to maintain the recommended physical distance.

The Friday prayer was led by the first imam and hatib of the Gazi Husrev-beg mosque in Sarajevo, Hafiz Mensur ef. Malkić, who at the very beginning of the sermon asked the faithful to show self-control and renunciation after the partial opening of mosques in BiH so that the opening of mosques would take place without any risk to human health.

“Today is the fifteenth day of the month of Ramadan. This means that we are in its second third which Muhammad as called magfiret, the forgiveness of sins. So let us use the remaining days and pray to Allah (SWT) to forgive us our sins. On Wednesday we will enter the last a third of Ramadan which is a shield from fire and begin with the worship of itifak in remembrance of the feth of Mecca, on the day of the liberation of Mecca.The inhabitants of Mecca welcomed Muhammad as with joy, aware that he actually opens and saves human hearts and provides a space where Allah’s j. š. word, a just law close to the human mind and heart “, said ef. Malkić in a sermon dedicated to the Battle of Bedr, which took place on the 17th day of the month of Ramadan in the second year of the Hijra.

“The Battle of Bedr is the greatest or decisive battle in the history of Islam. It was by

the misery of the first Muslims over the idolatrous army. In this Ramadan, we celebrate that day with the will of the Merciful on the same day when we also celebrate the Day of the Golden Lilies. It is a day in which we remember the best sons and daughters of our homeland Bosnia and Herzegovina, of all religions and nations. And they had their Bedr on which they passed the exam because they were on the side of truth and good “, said ef. Malkić.

He recalled that the Battle of Bedr was the first armed conflict between Muslims and idolaters when Muhammad a.s. and the Companions clashed with a threefold pagan army.

“Seeing the difficult situation in which the Muslims found themselves, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) offered prayers to Allah, the Exalted, to those who heard and answered the prayers. ‘My Lord, if this group of Muslims is defeated, no one will worship you afterwards.’ He sent a thousand angels to help. With this special help, Allah calmed the believers, and at the same time He brought fear, confusion and anxiety into the hearts of the unbelievers, “said Eph. Malkic.

He added that from the standpoint of Islam, the Battle of Bedr was the most crucial and most important battle in the history of Islam and the best example of the organization and conduct of Muslims in the fight against the enemy.

“It is a turning point in the history of humanizing warfare. Muslims buried slain opponents, prisoners of war were not killed for the first time, every captured polytheist who was literate to excel was obliged to educate ten Muslims, richer polytheists could redeem themselves with wealth, and the poor and illiterate prisoners were eventually released without any ransom, “said Eph. Malkic.

He pointed out that the speech on the Battle of Bedr is not just a mere reminder of the glorious victory of the Muslims but is important because of the numerous messages that Muslims need to raise awareness and inspire each year in their struggles for good, truth and justice.

“Bedr teaches us that we must be obedient to the Almighty Allah and His Messenger because only in this way can we hope for Allah’s help. Bedr teaches us that we should be as sensitive and solidary as the wounded were on Bedr. that we must not be passive observers but that we must be actively involved in solving everyday problems.When human rights are at stake, a Muslim must raise his voice against injustice or if people’s lives are at stake, as is the case these days due to a pandemic, a Muslim must give his contribution, because a Muslim does not fight to be better only to himself, he fights to protect himself and others. He rises against evil and injustice and fights for the welfare of all people, “the sermon said.

In the end, it is stated that every man and every nation in their time has their Bedr and their battle.

“Today our Bedr should be our struggle for the well-being of all people, for the life and health of every human being, our struggle for the dignity of every human being, for tolerance, togetherness and coexistence. Our struggle for a better tomorrow, us, our children and future generations.” in the end said ef. Malkic.

Anadolija /

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