RSF: Serbia falls three places on media freedom list; Vucic: Due to one case

Serbia fell three places on the Reporters Without Borders (RSF) media freedom ranking list in 2020 and was at the 93rd position out of 180 countries monitored, Deutsche Welle reported on Tuesday.

 Montenegro and Bulgaria were ranked below Serbia at 105th and 111th place respectively.

RSF ranked Slovenia at 32nd position, two higher than in 2019, while Romania was one place down and ended at 47th position. Bosnia and Herzegovina was five places up to 58th position, as well as Croatia which was ranked as 59th.

Commenting on the RSF list, later on Tuesday, President Aleksandar Vucic said he understood that Serbia’s fall in media freedom was due to Jovanovic’s case and added a court ruling was expected soon.

Kosovo also advanced from 75th to 70th place, while Albania dropped to 84th position, two lower than last year.

North Macedonia was ranked 92nd, three positions higher than in 2019, and one ahead of Serbia.

RFS said that there were many violations of journalists’ work in the Balkans, and specifically mentioned Serbia’s journalist Milan Jovanovic whose house was burned down in 2018 and the case had not been solved yet.

The best-ranked countries in Europe were Norway, Finland and Danmark, which hold the first three places.

At the end of the ranking lists were Iran, China, Eritrea, Turkmenistan and North Korea.



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