Protest in downtown Belgrade: The upcoming elections are false

Professor Biljana Stojkovic said at a protest in Belgrade organized by the Civic Resistance tonight that they wanted to show how fake the upcoming elections were.

She said that the “ruler” had called the elections and that the day after he had submitted the election list he announced that there was a virus corona in Serbia, which he had previously declared the funniest.

She also said that Serbia has been expelled from the European quality control body for higher education. Stojkovic said that “this is a logical consequence of everything they have done to higher education, false diplomas, higher education laws they have enacted.”

“The university is in free fall without a parachute and so it will be until we remove this power,” Stojkovic added.

She also reminded that tomorrow is March 8 – International Women’s Day and that tomorrow should be celebrated as women fighters who have fought for women’s suffrage and all the rights that women have been granted.

Civic activist Aida Corovic said she is one of the many women in Serbia who has been abused and lynched for speaking.

Her duty, she said, was to use a voice she had and speak publicly about the problems, and pointed out that many women in Serbia were victims but did not have the opportunity to hear their voice.

Ćorović emphasized that the unemployment rate of women is twice higher than for men, that women have a lower salary, that mobbing and sexual abuse of employed women are almost the rule, that women’s pensions are lower.

She stressed the plight of Roma women, women with disabilities and women in the countryside, recalled the number of women killed in domestic violence, and stressed that almost 80 percent of Serbian citizens consider it most important for women to be mothers.

“Then when she becomes a mother, this ugly state does her best to humiliate these women,” Corovic said, adding that Serbia has not yet adopted a law on gender equality.

She told the people working for the minimum wage, women in the countryside, everyone who had experienced violence, blackmail, activists with a voice that they had power.

“Freedom is not won as a gift, freedom is conquered, freedom is lived,” Corovic said.

Organizers said it was a lie that the Serbian Progressive Party was the first to submit the list, because Vladimir Peric, whose list included “Dr. Sinisa Mali”, Zoran Babic, candidate for minister of transport security, Tomislav Nikolic, candidate for minister of endowment , Milutin Jelacic Jutka candidate for Minister for Gender Equality.

They said the name of the list was “Advanced Future” but that the list was rejected by the REC. Tonight will be played a football game “citizens against the mafia”, which will be commented by Milojko Pantic.

They also urged citizens to take a walk next Saturday to commemorate the assassinated Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic. /

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