

An afternoon power nap can recharge your body and mind—providing you with the needed energy to tackle the second half of your day

Photo: LinkedIn

After waking from your power nap you will likely enjoy:

➡️Improved concentration and alertness

➡️Better memory recall

➡️Reduced stress levels

➡️Increased stamina

➡️Sharpened motor skills

Companies are suffering from tremendous productivity problems because people are stressed out” and not recovering from the workday.

Any nap, however, can help with alertness and perception and cut through the general fog that creeps in during the day, experts said.

In Japan, napping at work won’t get you fired. In fact, taking time out for a snooze is seen as honorable and a sign of diligence by employers.

Hope employers take note of this which could reduce the stress of the employees and in turn increase productivity.


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