
MUP of Sarajevo Canton in Protecting Public Health of its Citizens Video !, List of Curfew Offenders

In accordance with the order of the Civil Protection of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the introduction of curfew for the hours of 18h – 05h every day, in the territory of the Federation of BiH, members of the Cantonal Police Service perform their regular tasks in Sarajevo, with the aim of preventing the spread of Corona Virus (COVID- 19) in this city.

Members of the MUP KS from their vehicles, using a megaphone, inform the citizens of Sarajevo of the measures and legal sanctions imposed on those who do not comply with the orders of the Civil Protection Federation of BiH.

In the “Cengic Vila” settlement in Sarajevo, members of the MUP KS from their vehicles, with a megaphone, inform citizens about the measures introduced – VIDEO

EXCLUSIVE LIST: These persons violated isolation measures in the Federation of BiH

(Picture Source): slobodna-bosna.ba

Recommended isolation and self-isolation measures continue to be violated by some irresponsible individuals, thus endangering the health system and suppressing the spread of coronaviruses.


Napomena o autorskim pravima: Dozvoljeno preuzimanje sadržaja isključivo uz navođenje linka prema stranici našeg portala sa koje je sadržaj preuzet. Stavovi izraženi u ovom tekstu autorovi su i ne odražavaju nužno uredničku politiku The Balkantimes Press.

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Napomena o autorskim pravima: Dozvoljeno preuzimanje sadržaja isključivo uz navođenje linka prema stranici našeg portala sa koje je sadržaj preuzet. Stavovi izraženi u ovom tekstu autorovi su i ne odražavaju nužno uredničku politiku The Balkantimes Press.

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