Montenegro and Croatia are announcing the opening of beaches and the start of the season

Montenegro, Croatia and Greece have announced the start of the summer season and the opening of beaches soon, while respecting certain protection measures, and Greek officials estimate that the country lost 22 billion euros and about 45,000 jobs due to the coronavirus pandemic.

“We are considering opening cafes, restaurants, shopping malls, beaches a few days before May 18, if the epidemiological situation is favorable, and of course, in compliance with certain regulations,” said the director of the Institute of Public Health of Montenegro Boban Mugosa for TVCG.

If there are no newly infected or there are a small number of them, as so far, there is a possibility, as announced by Mugoša, to speed up the beginning of the second phase, but he also emphasized that it is ungrateful to announce anything.

As Jutarnj list reported, hasty preparations are also being made in Croatia for the opening of the summer season, and the first foreign tourists could arrive at the hotels, as announced, as early as June 1, in mid-June at the latest.

Tourists will be able to come to Greece again from July 1, announced the Minister of State Giorgos Gerapetritis, and the DPA reports.

The coronavirus pandemic has created panic among Greek hoteliers, travel agencies, caterers and related industries, with a third fearing bankruptcy. Greek officials estimate that the country lost 22 billion euros and about 45,000 jobs due to the pandemic.

The tourism industry accounts for 30 percent of Greece’s gross domestic product and makes the largest single contribution to the budget, FoNet reports.

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