Dr. Fejzić, the first person to announce to the Coronavirus: We will have to learn to live with the virus, there are no perfect solutions!

We have test labs at KCUS in Sarajevo and Banja Luka, at our Veterinary Faculty and in private clinics! We are ready.

There are three scenarios: to withdraw the disease on its own, as a SARS, to make a vaccine, and if there is no vaccine-isolation, restrictions to better times! The world is not and will not be the same! No vaccine for the Coronavirus!

There is no model to fight! Need to test, treat and find infected links! The corona is in all animals, houses, cats and the most dangerous are wild animals.

We will see if the malaria drug combined with the AIDS drug also helps against the Crown, it is both a preventative and a cure for the disease!

It has not been proven that ions destroy the virus, this is what disinfection does! It’s not true that warmer days stop the virus! UV rays have not been proven to weaken the virus! China has stopped the virus with only restrictive measures, so is the system and mentality, we are not like that! I’ve been in the focus of the virus in Africa for years, I’m scared but I respect the measures.

Fear will make people realize the danger! I have children, I’m coming home from the infected areas, I’m scared, but I follow the rules. Your question “How did the Crown go from animal to human” is for the Nobel Prize! SARS has stopped on its own, inexplicably, MERS is not but no epidemic! We need a truce with this virus!

We learned to live with the flu, the virus will come back, mutate, maybe a new one will come. Bill Gates said that a pandemic was coming, that we were not ready, that he could escape the lab and that the virus would kill humanity rather than nuclear weapons!

face.ba / balkantimes.press

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