Doctor Suljević: Izetbegović is chasing me for 4 KM and stories about respirators Video!

After his last appearance in the media, Professor Ismet Suljević received a disciplinary report from KCUS Director General Sebija Izetbegović, accusing him of appearing in public without the permission of his superior, presenting incorrect data on the number of respirators and servicing them, confirmed Dr. Suljević in tonight’s issue of “Centralni Dnevnik”

He said that he received the qualification of a serious violation of work obligations.

“I was here for May Day and as a free citizen I expressed my expert opinions. Unfortunately we live in a time when a person cannot express his opinion and then certain institutions or certain individuals from those institutions illegally impede or forbid public speech. Everything I said was is by profession and conviction without evil intent, “Suljevic said.

By the way, Professor Suljević was removed from the position of the head of the Clinic for Anesthesiology with the arrival of the new management at the head of KCUS and the general director Izetbegović.

The professor said that he is now proving before the Disciplinary Commission that he did not do that, but he notes that he has had negative experiences in the past. Last year, he had three disciplinary proceedings within a month.

“One of those reports was that I copied 500 sheets at the clinic in a few minutes. I was issued a bill of 4.68 KM to pay the damage to the Clinical Center. And now I think about it when we are in a situation where maybe millions have been embezzled where we are, ”said Dr. Suljević.

He said that there are dozens of cases in which disciplinary proceedings are conducted, but that due to the fear for existence, many do not want to speak. Dr. Suljević said that no one could forbid him to speak in public and that he would not give up.

“Everything I said I said in the general interest, for the people for this city, for honest people. When the director general goes public and says that he has 57 respirators, and ten days later he states that he has 53 respirators, what happened to the four respirators? ”Says Suljević.

Asked whether he was checking procured respirators at SIPA’s request, which appeared as information in some media, Suljevic said that “until now, SIPA has not addressed or asked him as a citizen or as an expert if such a person appears. I will react to the request to give my best opinion that I can give at a given moment “, said Suljević.

Patria /

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