The world increasingly believes that it is a conducted scenario, even conspiracy theories. The validity of the current and ‘new’ reasons for the abolition of the introduced isolation measures is doubted.
Many of Europe’s countries have decided, after the black statistics reflected in the number of infected and deceased Covid 19 patients, to mitigate the prohibition measures introduced by the coronavirus pandemic. They even outlined detailed plans for the next steps and stages in their approach to fighting coronavirus. Tentatively, dates are set for citizens to get at least an approximate orientation as to what comes next and to be able to plan their life commitments tentatively. It all happened just when it seemed to everyone that the situation with isolation would last much longer.
Such decisions are surprising because they come at a time when the pandemic is not waning, when the Western Balkan countries have recorded the growth of the diseased but the death rate, which does not reflect the true picture, because very few people have been tested for the population of these countries.
The announcements are surprising to many, especially after they said from the top of the WHO (WHO) that repealing the measures could be dangerous, and in that case countries must be prepared to face a new pandemic.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned countries against prematurely alleviating restrictions imposed by the pandemic.
Urslula von der Lajen: Older people may need to remain in some isolation until next year to protect themselves against virus coronas, said European Commission President Ursula von der Lajen.
Fon der Lajen: Older people may remain in isolation until 2021.
Either way, countries follow each other in the style of copy paste, talk about mitigation measures, Croatia, Serbia, and even BiH. Recently, gathering of the faithful during the commemoration of Easter was strictly forbidden and spears were broken, and only a few days later orchestration on all sides was announced to mitigate the measures. What no one knows is: Who conducts the said orchestra? Some even point to rapid abolition of measures and complete socialization.
The announcement is led by epidemiologist Predrag Kon, who says: The virus will have to pass among children, preferably during the summer. Predrag Kohn stated that the decision to mitigate the measures introduced to fight coronavirus was not made prematurely and explained that the decision had to do with politics and the economy as well as the understanding that life must go on. “The issue of schools will be specifically addressed within the Ministry of Education. As far as kindergartens are concerned, I do not believe that everyone will send children to kindergartens immediately, but those who have no other way out are likely to send them. , there is no other solution. It depends on the situation, for now we have a favorable situation that will be favorable when the children go to school. It should be understood that by letting children go to school we are clearly determined by the virus as well, passing the virus through children is a necessity and must “The best time for this to happen is when the virus is the least active, I don’t think of today, but in two weeks,” said Kon.

One has to think about the recent story of crisis staff responsible for infected coronaviruses, those who have no symptoms and do not know they have been infected. The example they cited was that an infected person could infect 3 new people, this three more and spread the infection by geometric progression. They explained the example on the TV screen in picturesque words: “It’s just like walking down the street and firing a shotgun at random.”
Predrag Kon’s statement in translation can be understood: “Who survives the stories” or “Life must stop” does not continue. Which would probably happen if his announcements were made quickly. This is especially because the younger ones in schools and plugs (where the social distance of two meters cannot be maintained) can easily transmit the infection to each other and then bring it to their parents, grandparents, who are a sensitive category and most of them have chronic diseases. Even some children have chronic illnesses, so it may be possible to end some children’s lives early because the authorities have suddenly decided: “To continue life.”
No wonder the people are confused and increasingly believe in conspiracy theories. Increasingly, the situation seems to be managed from some invisible center of power, where the common man cannot see the logical sequence of things.
Dr. Cohn and the others spoke quite differently when the number of infected and deceased was far smaller, their warnings were then very dramatic. It is not clear to anyone how an epidemiologist can say, ‘let children get infected’, and children will transmit the infection to the elderly, for whom the virus can be fatal. Maybe the statistics on deaths are not up to scratch, or the coronavirus isn’t that dangerous? The number of infected people is increasing linearly or not, but it is increasing day by day, as is the number of deaths, and the measures are being mitigated. Our crisis staffs either do not seem to follow the statistics or are in some kind of crisis.
A. M.
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