Brnabic: Russian security services work for Serbian government

THERE ARE NO DOUBTS: Brnabić thanked the Russian intelligence officers: ‘They knew what the West was planning in Belgrade’

Serbian Technical Prime Minister Ana Brnabić. Photo: B92

Serbian Technical Prime Minister Ana Brnabić thanked as a guest in the ‘Hit tweet’ to the Russian security services, which informed the government of what was being prepared in Belgrade on Sunday in, Brnabić claims, the direction of some Western services

Brnabić in a “Hit tweet” on TV Pink on Sunday evening reminded that even before the election, she had warned that part of the opposition would try to dispute the election results and take over power in Serbia by violent means, which culminated, she said, in an ‘attack on the Belgrade City Assembly,’


She thanked the Russian security services, which “shared this information with Serbian colleagues”.

‘This will probably not be popular with the West, but I feel especially tonight that it is important to stand up for Serbia and thank the Russian security services that had this information and shared it with us,’ Brnabić said.

“Serbian state authorities then,” Brnabić continued, “shared that information with other representatives of the international community, who dismissed it as Russian disinformation.”

“Everyone else said it was fake news,” she said. She announced a meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Russian Ambassador to Belgrade Aleksandar Bocan-Harchenko for Monday.


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