A Dalmatian portal journalist was attacked when she tried to enter the church of St. Leopold Bogdan Mandić in Split and record how citizens gather before the mass.
In the church of st. Leopold Bogdan Mandic in Sirobuja in Split was donated by Easter at Easter, although it was forbidden due to the coronavirus epidemic.
A Dalmatian portal journalist tried to use her cellphone to record worshipers gathering in the church during an epidemic when a man approached her and broke her cellphone from her hand. The Dalmatian portal writes that her hand is pinned to the door.

Before that, the priest shouted at the assembled reporters, telling them “Let the devil carry you. Don’t come here for us. Come on.”
Among those who were attacked in the incident in front of a church in Sirobuja in Split was an N1 television cameraman, and you can watch the recording here.
As a result of the incident, two men were apprehended by police, and the Interior Minister, at the headquarters of the HQ, condemned the attack on journalists and cameramen and announced police actions. The Archdiocese of Split-Makara apologized for everything.
I would like to remind you that don Josip Delas had previously disobeyed the decisions of the National Civil Protection Headquarters and held masses and invited believers to gather. He held a Mass for the Feast of Flowering when he said and in the church people could be deployed two meters away. “I have invited the faithful to the Mass today at the Church of St. Leopold Bogdan Mandic in Sirobuja and I will always invite those who can come,” Don Delas said at the time.
Source: Dnevnik.hr
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