Zlatko Hadžidedić: Nations and Capital – The Missing Link in Global Expansion

Nations and Capital: The Missing Link in Global Expansion is a groundbreaking analysis of the ultimate reasons for the emergence of nations and nationalism, as a socio-political and geopolitical instrument in the global expansion of capitalism

Author: Zlatko Hadžidedić

– Sponsored Article

The author provides the missing link in the relationship between nationalism and capitalism and offers a comprehensive critique of classical theories of nationalism, well illustrated by historical examples.

He develops an original theory of nations and nationalism, relying on the assumption that the incessant widening of the gap between the capitalist elites and the laboring masses inevitably makes the endless accumulation of capital socially unsustainable.

Bridging that gap without changing the structure of society becomes the paramount task for the system, which has to introduce nationalism as a social glue tailored to conceal, but also to cement, the actual polarization of society.

This book will be of great interest to advanced undergraduate students, postgraduate students, and researchers in political science, sociology, history, international relations, security studies, social and political theory, and nationalism studies.

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