We ate this fruit when we were younger, and almost no one knows its name

Strengthens the kidneys, cleanses the liver, improves blood count!

Mulberry is a slightly forgotten but tasty fruit, grown individually planted or wild.

In our region we find black, red and white varieties, while there are about one hundred in the world.

Of all the varieties, the most aromatic is black mulberry.

This fruit grows on a deciduous tree of the same name from the Morus family, whose leaves are known as the food of mulberry silk.

Virgil wrote for the mulberry tree that it was the smartest plant because the last one wasting away waiting for the warm weather.

Once upon a time in the Neretva valley, mulberry tree was much appreciated for making barrels.

The mulberry is also grown to obtain silk from the mulberry silk.

Composition and healing properties of mulberry

The mulberry fruits contain free organic acids (citric and malic), vitamins C, B, K, A, and E, iron, potassium, manganese and magnesium, pectins and other beneficial substances.

They have a large amount of antioxidants.

Experts say that the mulberry deserves to be included in the superfood because it prevents the aging of the body and helps with many diseases.

The fruits, leaves and bark are used in the treatment.

Black mulberry

The medicinal properties of black mulberry are numerous.

Black mulberry is used in folk medicine against urinary tract inflammation, diseases of the mouth and throat, epilepsy, depression, insomnia, dizziness, and bug and snake bites.

Fresh unripe mulberries are used against diarrhea and ripe as a mild laxative.

Their juice is also good for easier coughing, sweating and urination, and for flushing with sore throat and mouth.

Black mulberry leaf is a well-known folk remedy for lowering and regulating blood sugar, and is often used in tea blends for diabetes.

White mulberry

White mulberry is used extensively in cosmetics.

It is a part of many cosmetics for skin whitening, spotting and spotting because it contains inhibitors that reduce melanin synthesis.

It is also used in the preparation of anti-aging preparations, for the treatment of the skin around the eyes, for toning and cleansing the face.

It is used similarly to black mulberry.

It has also been reported to work with arthritis, eye diseases, weakness of the body and to relax the nervous system.

According to Jonathan Hartwell, author of The Plants Against Cancer, white mulberry juice can help with throat tumors.

If you can, eat both types of soybeans, as they will bring you many benefits.

Mulberry bark

Ever since the Dioscorides, bitter bark of the mulberry root has been used as a medicine against intestinal parasites, especially tapeworms.

The bark cures diseases of the intestines, stomach, dyspepsia and helps with food, alcohol and mushroom poisoning.

Powder obtained from the bark of mulberry is used externally in the form of balm for faster healing of wounds, and the brew of bark is drunk against high blood pressure.

Medicinal properties of mulberry:

rejuvenates the body
drives parasites
regulates blood sugar levels
reduces the risk of degenerative diseases
strengthens the kidneys
cleans the liver
helps with prison
improves blood count
relieves symptoms of flu and colds
helps with food, alcohol, mushroom poisoning
prevents the formation of gray hairs
accelerates wound healing
used against high pressure

Mulberry preparations

The fruits of mulberry and bark are harvested from June to August and the leaves are in spring.

The tree is not attacked by any parasites or diseases, so it is an organic fruit.

The berries can be eaten fresh or dried.

In cooking, mulberry is used like any other fruit – you can make juice, jam, ice cream, sauce and use it to prepare desserts and cakes.

Black mulberry tea for diabetes

Pour 50 grams of mulberry leaf with half a liter of boiling water and leave for ten hours. Strain and drink throughout the day.

Syrup against fever, inflammation and constipation

Put a kilo of black mulberry berries in half a liter of water and add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Allow to stand for 24 hours.

The next day, mix the mixture with a pound of brown sugar or other natural sweetener of your choice (stevia, honey, maple syrup) and cook to the desired density.

Pour into sterilized bottles and drink several times a day diluted with water.

Note: Do not overdo the consumption of soybeans, as they can cause hallucinations and indigestion.


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