VIDEO: Drinking water from fog using 3D mesh nets

Can you imagine being able to trap clean drinking water from fog using 3D mesh nets for rural communities?

Ooh hello, science, research & technology?

These innovations around water are very intriguing to me because I know a thing or 2 about how time-consuming fetching water can be.

Some children even skip school just to fetch water.

But have you ever wondered, what if the cure for cancer is in the mind of that child who is not able to go to school because she is fetching water?

Did you know that approximately 2,000,000,000 people globally don’t have access to clean drinking water?

Further approximately 3,600,000,000 people – 46% of the world’s population – lack adequate sanitation services.

When I was growing up in Muranga County, Muranga South Subcounty we used to fetch water from a river.

Rivers in this county, serve as demarcations that separate one village from the other and a source of livelihood.

We used to fetch water from River Gakayu, Gitui, or streams such as Kariara.

We fetched water for drinking cooking and bathing while also watering plants.

Some people even tried fishing but it was an oddity that didn’t align with our culture.

Now Muranga County is extremely hilly. The mountains and the hills are always standing on attention, 90 degrees, unrelenting and unbending.

But even then, we took them head-on, balancing those jerricans on our heads, our backs, our shoulders, or even our hands.

Whatever worked for you. It was back-breaking work. No wonder there are no gyms in the village because the work itself is taxing and laborious. You pay your dues.

Currently, though we have made progress. My mother has a water harvesting system that stores enough water to sustain her for 2 years.

Further, she has piped water from the County

When both systems are not working, they use donkeys to go to the river.

A lot of villages and counties have not managed to make as much progress as my mother’s.

That’s why I am fascinated by this innovative approach of using 3D mesh to trap water.

I am not a water scientist or expert for that matter so I may not fully comprehend the science but anyone who thinks this is not innovative and contributing to sustainable development is a person who has not carried water on their backs or wherever while scaling hills and mountains.

It is a person who has not walked for 30 km/s to only get 5 liters of water in ASAL areas.

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