Turkish frigate warns Greek vessel violating continental shelf

The Oruç Reis frigate warned a Greek vessel attempting to violate Turkey’s continental shelf in the Eastern Mediterranean to stay away

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The frigate told the crew on the Greek Nautical Geo vessel that it would interfere in case of a violation.

Turkey issued a navigational telex (Navtex) rejecting one issued by Greece for violating its continental shelf in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Defense Ministry sources said Monday.

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Ministry sources also rejected reports by Greek media outlets claiming that Turkish warships were blocking the work of research vessels to map the proposed “EastMed” pipeline.

They noted that some of the vessels entered the Turkish continental shelf without informing authorities.

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Turkey, which has the longest continental coastline in the Eastern Mediterranean, has rejected the maritime boundary claims of Greece and the Greek Cypriot administration, stressing that these excessive claims violate the sovereign rights of both Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots.

Turkish leaders have repeatedly stressed that Ankara is in favor of resolving all outstanding problems in the region through international law, good neighborly relations, dialogue, and negotiation.

Video: Turkish seismic vessel Oruç Reis starts energy survey in East Med

Turkey has also criticized the European Union’s stance on the Eastern Mediterranean conflict, calling on the bloc to adopt a fair attitude regarding the dispute and give up favoring Greece under the pretext of EU solidarity.

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