The health system is not protected from collapse by not receiving patients

(Patria) – Recent developments in BiH, especially in Sarajevo when it comes to combating coronavirus, have reminded residents of the capital that our health system is good for everyone but patients.

Even before the crisis we did not have cytostatics, medicines, we did not have gauze, wound cleaners, why we are now surprised. Miracles do not happen overnight.

The real message was sent by dr. Dragan Stevanovic, who made himself available to General Hospital “Prim. Dr. Abdullah Nakash. ”

“The health care system is not protected from collapse by not receiving patients, but by intensifying work, better organization and going home to the patient, performing a proper screening of patients for further treatment, and not having the patient walk in institutions,” Stevanovic said.

Two deaths in the capital of Sejfudin Gogic from Brijesci et al. Shefika Pašagić has raised numerous questions. Patients have to call and ask for help numerous times.

It is unclear why hospitals and clinics are half empty and patients are dying home, that is, Podhrasts are in a very difficult state. did not announce KCUS, why the findings of dr. Pasagic before he was admitted to anesthesia?

It is clear that doctors have to beware and that the virus must not enter healthcare facilities, but it is also clear that so far it has entered directly through the doctors, no patient has brought the virus to the hospital!
So, the people were as honest as possible, they talked about their contacts, their places of residence, there was no false information, as the doctors warned. Now is the time when the advice of dr. Stevanović.

Source: Patria Agency

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