Center seeks both civil and public organizations through 2025 for mission of commemorating victims of 1995 genocide

A memorial center for genocide victims in the historic town of Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina on Friday made a public call for partnerships and cooperation to aid in its mission of remembering the 1995 genocide.
The Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Center and Cemetery for Victims of Genocide is looking for civil society groups and public institutions to cooperate to help create a network of partners for the development and implementation of its strategy through 2025.
Under a project called Truth, dialogue, future, the center aims to bring together existing partners as well as new ones.
The memorial center, located in Potocari, Srebrenica, was set up to honor the victims of the 1995 Srebrenica massacre, in which over 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys were killed in the town, which the UN had declared a “safe area.”
The center’s call looks to enlist universities, research centers, museums, memorials, galleries, other cultural institutions, and civil society organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the world.
Emir Suljagic, the center’s director, said in a statement they are looking for partners with references and proven expertise in areas of research on genocide and other war crimes, international humanitarian law, or practical knowledge in the implementation of cultural projects, art, exhibits, and other activities that can contribute to dealing with the past.
The call is open until Jan. 30 to interested institutions and organizations which can submit their info at the center’s website,
“We see the role of the Memorial Center in the wider community and how the Memorial Center can contribute to the dialogue about the past, but also about the future of our country,” said Suljagic.
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