Navalny ended in the penal colony IK-3

Imprisoned Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny has been moved to a prison in the Arctic region of northern Russia…

Alexei Navalny. Photo: CBC

his spokeswoman said on Monday after his aides managed to contact him after more than two weeks.

Navalny ended up in the Arctic: He was located in the penal colony IK-3

Navalny is located in the IK-3 penal colony in Kharp in the Yamalo-Nenets region, about 1,900 kilometers northeast of Moscow, spokeswoman Kira Jarmish said.

Navalny’s lawyer was able to see him on Monday, Jarmiš said.

Navalny’s allies, who were preparing for his transfer to a “special regime” colony, the strictest level in Russia’s prison system, said his lawyers had not seen him since December 6, raising the alarm about his fate.

“Many thanks to our supporters, activists, journalists, and media who are concerned about the fate of Aleksey and who never tire of writing about the situation,” said his lawyer Ivan Zhdanov.

Zhdanov said there had been 618 requests for information on the location of Navalny, who was imprisoned in a penal colony 235 kilometers east of Moscow.


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