Mihailo Vukic, the first patient to be cured from Covid 19 at the Clinical Center of Montenegro, said: “Sit home and make you great time”

Podgorica, (MINA) – Baranin Mihailo Vukic, who today left the Clinical Center of Montenegro (KCCG) as the first patient to be cured of coronavirus, said the situation was very difficult, but that he was all right now and was proud that he did not infect anyone.

“After 20 days of great struggle, I won the crown and I’m happy about that. It was not easy and the situation was very difficult, but everything is fine now, “Vukic said.

At a press conference at the KCCG, it was announced that Vukic was the first patient to be discharged after being successfully cured of the COVID-19 virus.

Vukic wished healing to patients infected with coronavirus.

“I wish them health, courage and victory as I did, because I know that they have stuck in a very difficult situation and that they are not to blame for what is happening to them,” Vukic said.

He added that he was proud of not infecting anyone.

“I am proud that I have not put my family, friends and work colleagues at risk. I was the only one in danger, “Vukic said.

He thanked the KCCG staff at the Intensive Care Unit.

“They brought me back to life, after all that was. They work in an Infectious Disease clinic in difficult conditions, but they struggle. A big thank you to the doctors and nurses at the Bar who looked after me and inquired about my condition, “Vukic said.

He told citizens to stay home.

“I would give anything if I had been home the last 20 days, not in the hospital. You do not need inhalers, respirators, oxygen, injections or infusions. Sit home and you’ll be great. Thank you to everyone in Montenegro, “Vukic said.


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