Michael Murphy: Republika Srpska is just an entity in BiH

The entity Republika Srpska does not exist outside BiH, Dodik is mistaken if he thinks that the USA will stand aside

Michael Murphy. Photo: Afirmativa.ba

The Embassy of the United States of America in Bosnia and Herzegovina reacted to the latest statements of the President of the entity Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik.

They emphasized that the RS is an entity in the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina and that they and Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina do not exist outside of BiH.

“Republika Srpska is an entity in the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is an integral part of the state, but neither RS ​​nor FBiH exist outside of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Neither for the entity nor for any other unit below the state level, the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina does not provide for the right to secession.

On several occasions, the US has made it clear that it will react and oppose the anti-Dayton action, which secession is.

“Dodik is wrong if he thinks that the USA will stand aside while he pushes Bosnia and Herzegovina into conflict,” the US Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina announced.


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