
Marshmallow and ginger teas against heartburn and flatulence

Among the other tricks that can help you is not to take a nap immediately after eating. Staying upright for three hours…

Photo: Dreamstime/Canva

…after eating can help prevent acid reflux.

The heavy and filling food that we have eaten in the last few days can cause heartburn for some. If your stomach is heavy, reduce your meals and don’t eat late at night.

To ease your symptoms, certain herbal tinctures can help. It is an extract of yarrow, turmeric, or licorice. Tea can also be made from licorice, marshmallow, calendula, and yarrow.

If you don’t have any of the above on hand, chamomile tea will also help. It is important to avoid hot teas. Leave it to cool down a bit. An excellent food that calms the stomach is ginger.

Photo: Dreamstime_/ILLUSTRATION

Cut the ginger root into smaller pieces. You can also grate it. When it boils, cook for a few more minutes. When it cools down a bit, squeeze some lemon into the tea and add a spoonful of honey. It will calm the heartburn, but also the flatulence.

Another trick that can help you is not to take a nap immediately after eating. Staying upright for three hours after eating can help prevent acid reflux.


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