Welcome back to The Plastic Human where I share everything you need to know to find your purpose, activate your passion, and live the optimal life you’ve always dreamed of (plus all of the science behind it)!

If we haven’t officially met, here’s a little about me…
I’m the founder of a company called The Passion Centre, Inc and I’m passionate about passion – especially creating passion-based businesses. You can say that I’ve found my ‘thing’ and I’m wholeheartedly committed to my mission and vision.
Here’s how it started:
My family lost everything in a fire when I was 6. Then we moved from Trinidad to Canada.
Fast forward through a lot of adversity like seeing my parents forego their dreams to make ends meet and the trials and tribulations that came from making my own unenlightened choices, I needed to figure out what I was going to do with this thing I called ‘my life’.
So, I put myself in the working world and for 18 years grew my position before getting sick (twice) and dropping out of it to go after my passion. At the time I chose to leave, I was in the top-earning category in the corporate space working for a global top fortune 13 company.
Only 8 years before ‘making it’ I was working 2 jobs @ 70 hours/wk making roughly 40k/yr. That was about 6x LESS than my highest corporate ‘made it’ income bracket.
While working those 2 jobs, I also launched a Passion project – an invention in 2008 that failed. Badly. BUT It was my biggest blessing.
It put me in the kind of debt that makes one make the decision to scale their position and salary ;). Before working those 2 jobs that were barely making ends meet, I worked as a receptionist and clinic manager at a vet clinic – earning even less ~ $18K/y.
Before the clinic, I worked at a large national corporate company, leaving a good-paying position (earning ~54k) when I was 22 years old, to follow what I thought was my very first ‘passion’: Animals.
I never spent a day in or a dollar on college.
I am 1000% self-taught.
Life is mosaic. Not linear.
There were times that I couldn’t follow my passions and times where I could. Times where I was scared as hell and times where I was bold as hell. Each position and decision taught me something about business, myself, others, and the life I truly wanted.
You can’t pay for the kind of education that comes from doing life your way.
No matter where you are, you can make another decision and change whatever you want to change to be whatever you want to be.
So when my clients say things like, “I’m not educated enough”, or “I don’t have a degree in this or that”, or “I don’t have enough experience” in ‘x’, or I’m only ‘x’ old, or I’m ‘too’ old’, I can look them square in their face and say, “so what?”
Drop the excuse, and go for what you want.
I’m excited to explore many of the ways that you can actually start to create the life that you desire! Before we dive into the juice, I want to hear from you to know what topics would be most helpful to explore first.
Please introduce yourself in the comments below and share one or two things that you feel are keeping you stuck from living the way you really want.
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