Kisić Tepavčević: In many countries, the easing of measures has led to a slight jump in the number of infected people

The deputy director of the “Trampoline” Institute, Darija Kisić Tepavčević, stated that with the easing of measures, it is possible to increase the number of people infected with the virus, but added that it will depend on the citizens themselves and their behavior.

She stated that the virus is still present in the population, but also that warm weather generally reduces the probability of transmitting droplet infections.

“We have a continuous decline in the number of positive ones, all of which is in our favor, but the virus is still present. In many countries, with the easing of measures, there has been a slight jump in the infected,” said Deputy Director of the Institute of Public Health of Serbia Dr Milan Jovanovic Batut “.

Speaking about the behavior of citizens after the measures were relaxed, she said that everyone individually assesses the risk.

“Wearing masks outdoors is not necessary, especially if we are walking with family members. Masks should be worn when you are indoors with a large number of people, such as the post office, banks, public transport, with mandatory hand washing and not touching your eyes or mouth. and that the virus is on our hands, we cannot get infected if we do not touch our eyes, “said Kisić Tepavčević.

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