Jokić: I don’t want to have a mobile phone at all

Nikola Jokić: I don’t like this life. People take out their cell phones whenever they see me. I just want to live normally…

Nikola Jokić. Photo: The New York Times

Being famous… Someone likes it, someone doesn’t. When I finish my career, I want to play with my children, hang out with my friends, ride horses… I don’t want to have a mobile phone at all, said Nikola Jokić

Nikola Jokić (28) is the best player in the NBA, two-time MVP of the regular season, and MVP of the final series in 2023 when he also won the first championship title with his Denver Nuggets.

However, Jokić is still the same as when he came to the league. Massive millions and planetary popularity have not changed his behavior, and he sees basketball as a job. He does not enjoy the status of a star like many basketball players do, and because of such a phlegmatic attitude, he is often criticized by fans from the USA.

In a podcast hosted by Jokic’s teammate from Denver, Michael Porter Jr, the Serbian basketball player revealed why he is not interested in fame.

– I don’t like this life. We are just basketball players and we are only good at what we do, but the media is around us and we are paid for all that, media and popularity. Being famous… Someone likes it, someone doesn’t. When I finish my career, I would like no one to know me. I would like my children to remember me as a father, not as a basketball player. That’s my goal. My goal is to not have a phone at all, just to be normal and live in the moment. To be a normal person, to drink with friends, to play with children, to ride horses… I’m sad because when I go to a bar, restaurant or to a match, everyone takes out their phones and takes pictures of me. That’s ugly. I just want to live my life – said Jokić.

Jokic came to the NBA in 2015 as a 20-year-old, and he revealed how he felt as a young man in the USA.

– I came here as the third, fourth, or fifth option, it was different, I was young, I didn’t know anything. You think it’s just basketball, but it’s only 20 percent of everything. Now I can say that basketball is the easiest part of everything. You get tired, you miss… It’s all part of it. When you learn to have your own routine, I learned something in the first three years and then learned more and more. After that, I changed my diet to shoot better, lose weight, develop…

Nikola Jokić is well on his way to winning the third MVP award in his career. This season, he has 26.3 points, 12.4 rebounds and 9.2 assists.

(24 sata)

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