In Serbia, most in Albania, the least infected, in relation to the number of inhabitants in the region

Podgorica, (MINA) – In the region, in relation to the number of inhabitants, most infected with coronavirus are registered in Serbia, in second place is Northern Macedonia, and in third place is Slovenia.

In Serbia, 1,416 infected people per million inhabitants were registered, in Northern Macedonia 763, and in Slovenia 700 infected people per million inhabitants.

In fourth place is Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) with 584 infected per million inhabitants, followed by Croatia with 530, Montenegro with 514 and Albania with 295 infected per million inhabitants.

The number of infected people is expressed per million inhabitants for the sake of a better comparison.

In relation to the number of infected, the highest mortality is in Slovenia, 6.9 percent, followed by Northern Macedonia with 5.67 percent, BiH 4.63 and Croatia 3.98.

The death rate in Albania is 3.65 percent, Montenegro 2.47 percent and Serbia 2.1 percent.

The most tested in relation to one million inhabitants are in Slovenia, 29,200 per million inhabitants, in second place is Serbia with 18,506, and in third place is Montenegro with 14,219.

In fourth place is BiH with 10,766 per million inhabitants, Croatia with 10,658, and Northern Macedonia with 8,839 tested per million inhabitants.

A total of 324 people have been infected with coronavirus in Montenegro.

Mina /

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