In Gaza, they continue the Ramadan tradition: By beating the drum, they awaken the believers to sehur


Ramadan davuls (drummers) in the Gaza Strip and this Ramadan continue this long tradition by beating believers to sehur by hitting the drum, reports Anadolu Agency (AA).

Although the coronavirus pandemic has not bypassed Gaza either, Ramadan Dawulji and this Ramadan, as in previous years, visit Muslim houses and, beating the drum and singing appropriate songs and deities, wake the believers to sehur in order to fast in time.

Abdulhalik Atwan and his friend Muhammed Saat, dressed in traditional costumes with the inevitable fez and vest, take to the streets of Rafah every morning and wake up neighbors who want to fast.

Many people, after being awakened by the sound of riots, go out to the windows and greet the davuls.

In an interview with AA, Atvan said he is happy to be able to contribute to the month of Ramadan in this way.

“I am happy to see people get up after hearing our drums. I think people in Gaza like what we are doing,” this Palestinian said.

He pointed out that Gaza, like the rest of the world, is affected by the coronavirus pandemic, which is why many people cannot leave their homes and enjoy the beauty of the month of Ramadan.

“We have, however, decided to continue the tradition in this way and make people happy as much as we can,” Atvan added, noting that this work with a friend works voluntarily, but people often give them appropriate gifts and food as a reward for their efforts.

The tradition of Ramadan davuldji dates back to the Ottoman era. At the time of the sehura, the streets would be beaten with a drum to wake people up.

In addition to beating the drum, Ramadan davuldžije sang songs appropriate for Ramadan and thus would raise the people to sehur. Even today, in many places in Turkey, there are those who want to get up for sehur.

Anadolu /

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