FUCZ and disputed procurements: 30,000 masks paid 13 EUR per piece

FUCZ paid 380,000 EUR for 30,000 masks

A report submitted by the Federal Civil Protection Administration to the Security Committee of the Federation of BiH Parliament after the launch of the investigation into the “Respirators” affair revealed many suspicious procurements carried out during the coronavirus pandemic.

Only one in a row is the purchase of masks through the company Development Balkan Group. According to the report, FUZC signed a contract with this company on March 24, 2020. for the purchase of 30,000 pieces of masks worth 380,000 EUR, which means that the price of one cost 13 EUR.

These are FFP2 respiratory masks. For comparison, the market value of these masks is much lower, and the question arises why the Federal Administration of Civil Protection decided to procure masks from the company Development Balkan Group at five times the price.

Outraged citizens are already appearing on social networks, who have evidence that as many as 10 such masks can be bought for 10 EUR.

By the way, the company is engaged in consulting infrastructure projects, so it is not clear why FUZC obtained masks of this standard from it.

Also, Development Balkan Group is not a frequent participant or winner of public procurement. According to the contract award database of the Akta.ba portal, they have only five deliveries for the Railways of the Federation, namely the delivery of automatic laundry for wagons, and chemical means for washing wagons.

According to the photos from the Facebook page of this company, the director of the company, Erol Ramusović, has friendly relations with the Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications of BiH, Nedžad Branković.

His name was on the list of suspects in the “Cooperative” case.



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