Entire DC National Guard activated to deal with protests

Entire D.C. National Guard has been activated by the Department of Defense to respond to the violent scene at the U.S. Capitol.

Trump calls on supporters who attacked Capitol to ‘go home’

After hours of chaos and as the Virginia State Police arrived at the U.S. Capitol Building, Trump called on his supporters to “go home” in a one-minute video message posted to Twitter.

“The D.C. Guard has been mobilized to provide support to federal law enforcement in the District. Acting Secretary Miller has been in contact with congressional leadership, and Secretary McCarthy has been working with the D.C. government. The law enforcement response will be led by the Department of Justice,” said chief Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman. White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany tweeted that Trump had directed the National Guard and other federal protective services to deploy — but Trump has not called on protesters to leave as Vice President Mike Pence and others have.
ABCNEWS / Balkantimes.press

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