Elon Musk To Step Back From Tesla And SpaceX, Jumps on Quantum Computing Financial Tech

Real-life ironman – Elon Musk, has finally announced why he’s stepped back from Tesla and SpaceX, his most beloved companies. His new venture, called QuantumAI has seen invest over 2 billion dollars in just the past 2 years – to develop and code QuantumAI


Before we go into the details of what QuantumAI is, let’s talk about who Elon Musk is. Elon Musk is a visionary. Some call him the smartest entrepreneur of our century. He believes in renewable energy, living in Mars, and pushing the envelope of what’s possible. Although his ideas often seem too radical and impossible to many people, Elon is proving them wrong year after year. He has made it his agenda to make the world greener and bring humankind to new possibilities. Some of his ventures include PayPal, Tesla, Boring Company and now OpenAI.

But now, Elon has decided to partly withdraw from running Tesla and SpaceX, in order to focus on his new venture in the financial sector. That’s why he’s acquired QuantumAI.

What exactly is QuantumAI ? QuantumAI is an upgrade from computers as you know them. In fact, Elon beat IBM, Microsoft, and few others who have been developing this form of computing for years to the punch. This is not just a super-computer – it’s a hyper-computer on steroids.

1/39 QuantumAI Computer Being Built – February of 2018

If you were to take ALL of the world’s computers and link them, QuantumAI would still be hundreds of times more powerful. Elon decided to put all of this power to work in financial technology with the plan of redistributing the world’s wealth.

Basically, to take from the top 0.1% and give back to the 99.9%. Elon believes wealth is not distributed well in our time and the problem is getting worse. Although there will always be someone richer and someone poorer, the current situation is unacceptable – where the top 0.1% controls almost 90% of the world’s wealth. He believes he can cut that down to around 20% without causing the worldwide financial crisis. So, what exactly does that mean to you, just a regular person? This means you’ll become 2 – 3 times wealthier, and no one except the super-wealthy will take a hit. Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? Not for the super-wealthy, but for you – yes!

Ok, the theory is there, but how will it work you might ask?

Overall, the idea is easy. The top 0.1% keep their wealth invested in stocks, and Wall Street brokers trade these stocks for them. The idea is to beat the Wall Street traders at their own game – making winning trades so Wall Street with their hoard of wealth slowly but surely starts losing. Just like a poker game, where a new player comes along on the high-stakes table and starts winning.

QuantumAI fleet of 39 Total Q-Computers

In order to do this normally, you’d need better stock movement predictions than what Wall Street currently has (virtually impossible).

Now, with the help of Quantum computing, it can be done, and it’s actually being done now as QuantumAI has shown! This is exactly the reason why Musk jumped on this technology as soon as he heard about it. It’s revolutionary.

We interviewed QuantumAI CTO Daniel Powers so he can better explain how QuantumAI operates.

Can you tell us how QuantumAI works?
QuantumAI works like a team of hundreds of cities. We have millions of automated citizens in each city that go into stock markets, they spend 12 hours a day gathering information. In the evening, these ‘cities’ come together to exchange and compare what they gathered. Then what we call ‘kings of the cities’ analyze all information and try to find mistakes in the stock market; by finding a mistake, we can predict the stock trends. Once we have a certain trending topic related to a big company, we analyze if the trend is positive or negative.
If the trend is positive, we bet on the stock to rise, if the trend is negative – we bet on the stock to fall. It’s that simple.
How often does QuantumAI make a mistake?
Quantum computing is very different from everyday PCs. If a normal computer has one or two CPUs(processor), then QuantumAI consists of millions of CPUs. If a mistake is made, the CPUs analyze the outcome and “VOTE” which decision is the mistake and which is the real deal. We are still in the Beta stage of our quantum computer and software, but it’s already showing over 91% successful trades. This means that out of 100 trades QuantumAI makes automatically, around 91 will be profitable.
How much money can a regular user of QuantumAI make?
It depends a lot on the money they invest and the brokers they work with. Let’s take the regular user who starts with 500$ and bets 20$ per trade. Over 24 hours, QuantumAI will make around 200 trades based(this is limited by user) on information gathered by QuantumAI. Around 182 of the trades will be profitable, 18 will not. This means the user will earn approximately 3,480$ and lose around 520$. Evening out to 2,960$ profit in a single day. There are some small commissions added by the broker, but it’s usually less than 2%.
Has any user actually lost his investment?
No, we have never had a user who has lost more than he put in. Even in the worst cases, we have had always been profitable in the end.
What improvements are you working on right now?
There are many we’re currently working on, but Elon insisted I not share them yet. Stay tuned though – it’s going to get even better than it already is now!
How much will it cost to use QuantumAI automated system?
We don’t know yet – it fully depends on running costs and where we want to take the technology. But the first 1,000 spots will be free – we want people to help us test it (and make money while they do so). After that, for regular users, we’re thinking of charging $10,000.00 monthly and more than ten times as much for those trading firms who wish to use QuantumAI regularly across their business. We do not want to disrupt the stock market too much so spots will be limited to 500 trading firms and 50,000 regular users.
When will QuantumAI be available?
Very soon. We’re just adding the finishing touches and the first members will be welcome very soon. First, we’ll open the doors for small traders – regular people, and only later for big trading firms. Again, the first 1,000 people will get a lifetime membership for free.
yourtopstories.com / balkantimes.press

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