Drazen Jelenic exclusively: I became a Freemason because it impressed me

The recognition of Croatian Attorney General Drazen Jelenic as a member of the Masonic Lodge has sparked a series of public reactions.

Asked if by public announcement that the Freemason had harmed the reputation of the institution he headed, Jelenic said he had not.

“I don’t think so, because I did my job before, during this time and today, legally and exclusively by law,”

said Jelenic, adding that there was no benefit to anyone due to the fact that he was a member of the Masonic Lodge.

He was asked if he was considering resigning.

“I’m not thinking about anything at this point, it’s just that this case ends lawfully to the extent that I can influence it, and it will be all public if it goes to court,”

Jelenic said, adding that he had talked to Justice Minister Drazen Bosnjakovic but did not want to find out what he was talking about.

Jelenic had earlier said that another member of the Masonic Lodge, Nikica Gabric, had tried to influence the proceedings initiated for the attempted extortion.

“He was the victim, whether he had any of his knowledge or not, in any case during the investigation he contacted me and the municipal attorney general and asked for some things to be done differently, thinking that he could influence it, but the business is run by the State. the police, or the police, “

said Jelenić.

Asked about the footage of him, which Gabric said he would publish, Jelenic said he did not know what was on those recordings but was not afraid of anything.

He also explained why he became a Freemason.

“My friend asked me. On the one hand, since the motto is that only distinguished people can become members of the Masonic Lodge, I have to admit that at that moment it impressed me on the one hand that someone recognized my expertise, my work and professional and that they can thus contribute to the work of an association committed to improving society, the community, starting with your family, the environment in which you live, the Republic of Croatia, or your homeland, “

said Jelenić.

Asked if he thought that because of the mystique surrounding the concept of Freemasons and their actions, his work or the credibility of his work in the State Attorney’s Office could be questioned, Jelenic said that this did not occur to him

“because it is a lawfully established association engaged in legal and legitimate work in Repulica Croatia”,

he said.

Attorney General Drazen Jelenic, on Tuesday, confirmed that a Freemason was adding that Nikica Gabric tried to influence the course of the investigation against three journalists of Week 7 Daily who allegedly blackmailed Gabric by asking him HRK 200,000 so as not to publish photographs of the Masonic Lodge ceremony to which he belongs.

hr.n1info.com / balkantimes.press

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