dr. Išerić: Do something to protect the country or pack your bags

If we are unable to even try to protect the territorial integrity of our country with our Armed Forces, then we must seriously ask ourselves

dr. of Legal Sciences Enver Išerić Photo: Facebook

…why the formation of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the most successful reform.

dr. of Legal Sciences Enver Išerić: A message to Bosniak politicians – either do something to protect the country or pack your bags

Milorad Dodik and his political followers continuously threaten the survival of the state of Bosnia and
Herzegovina. They do it very openly, brazenly, and rudely, but at the same time, it must be admitted, very systematically.

And how could they not when SANU (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts) prepared such a plan and gave detailed instructions on how to obstruct the state and its institutions, that Bosniaks should be called Muslims, that the name of the state institution should not be used, but common institutions, insist and constantly use the term “composite state”, repeat day after day that Bosnia and Herzegovina is an impossible state, announce the secession of RS while setting conditions that it will not be done, and that others will not to agree, reduce their responsibility for conflicts and so on.

And all these instructions were consistently followed by Dodik and the followers of his policy.

They did it so persistently and systematically that the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina are used to it and that for most it has become a normal phenomenon and a normal state. I don’t and never will. And how could it become normal to lose your country?

Because whoever loses the country has lost everything. But we have to ask the question to those who represent us and who have represented us since the end of the aggression against our country in the institutions of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the entities, how is it possible that this has become a completely normal situation for them? They are completely relaxed and enjoy the “benefits” of the functions they perform. Do they think that only their position is the state and that caring for the state means caring for their own, for many completely undeserved positions?

If that is not the case, then we will ask another question: Why are Bosniaks in government institutions? but they are not taking any measures and activities to respond to threats and attacks on our country and Bosniaks. Do not play with the fate of the country and the fate of Bosniaks!

Do you Bosniaks (I ask those who are in power and who were in power) have any answers and plans? If your plans are some kind of secret, you don’t even have to tell us. But at least tell us that you have a plan. And I’m sure you don’t. I’d love to be wrong, but I’m sure that’s the case.

I’m sure because I’ve been following your work for a long, long time. Because if you had any plans and if you were aware of the seriousness of the situation, i.e. the threat of Milorad Dodik, you would ask for regular meetings of state institutions and a discussion on this issue. Are you aware that Dodik brought us to a pre-war state? institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Court are also to blame for this

Bosnia and Herzegovina. But so that certain prosecutors do not misunderstand that this does not apply to them, because to accuse the Prosecutor’s Office means not to accuse anyone. Every prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina is to blame, because he had to, should have, and could have filed an indictment for the first attack on our country. And none of them did it.

In the end, when “the water came up to the throat”, the prosecutor filed an indictment against Dodik for
not implementing the decisions of the high representative, and they did not press charges for attacking the constitutional order and attempting to overthrow state institutions. It would be the same as if the perpetrator of a criminal offense were to be indicted for the illegal possession of an object used to commit a criminal offense, but not for the criminal offense itself. Unbelievable!

Milorad Dodik advocates some kind of “peaceful separation”. The man wants to present himself as a peacemaker. And he is destroying the state and he knows, or he should know, that there are enough of its patriots and guardians who will defend and defend it. Defense of our country in the period 1992-1995. was called the “miracle of Bosnian resistance”. If someone attacks or threatens her again, it will be much more than that. It will be an unprecedented miracle of Bosnian resistance.

Dodik announced that in the event of the declaration of independence of RS, some international forces would be deployed on the entity line and, if possible, prevent conflict, or war. And there he miscalculated a bit.

If Dodik decides to make such a move, there will be no more helmets, neither blue, nor white nor yellow, but none at all be on the entity line. Those helmets and those international forces need now, before it’s too late, to be deployed on the border between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. Some are calling for international forces to reinforce their forces and deploy them to Brčko. Yes, it can also go to Brčko, but not only to Brčko. That means nothing for the defense of our country. The arrangement on the border between Bosnia and Serbia is necessary.

Now I ask another important question. Would the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, rather call for the deployment of international forces to deploy our armed forces on the border of Bosnia and Herzegovina, because of its sovereignty and territorial integrity? And in Article 1 of the Law on the Defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina it is prescribed:

“This law regulates the unique defense system of Bosnia and Herzegovina, establishes and defines the chain of command and the role of all elements so that Bosnia and Herzegovina has full capacity for civilian supervision and protection of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The law establishes the rights, duties, and procedures of the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter: Armed Forces), and entity bodies for the defense of sovereignty and territorial integrity, political independence, and international subjectivity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as assisting civil authorities. “

If we are not even able to try to protect the territorial integrity of our country with our Armed Forces, then we must seriously ask ourselves what is the purpose of the formation of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the most successful reform that has been carried out, and what is the purpose of our Armed Forces.

And if our representatives do nothing of all the above or are unable to do it (or because they don’t want to or don’t know how), it’s better to buy the suitcases right away, because they will have to buy them if there is a war. Because they will be responsible for that situation because they failed to do what they were supposed to do according to the Constitution and the law. And there will be a war if the independence of the Republic of Srpska is declared. And Bosnia will have someone to defend it. In that case, we won’t count on you.


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