Documentation from the FBiH Government on the procurement of respirators is excluded

Members of SIPA and the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH in the premises of the Government of the Federation of BiH within the case “Respirators” exclude certain documentation.

All documentation refers to the purchase of 100 Chinese respirators, of which 80 arrived, and which the Federal Administration of Civil Protection of BiH paid 10.5 million KM.

The FBiH government has authorized FUCZ to purchase respirators, and FUCZ has entered into a contract with FH Srebrena Malina, owned by Fikret Hodzic. After 80 respirators arrived in Sarajevo, Fokus revealed the whole affair, which the public is still talking about. Hearings of actors in this process should begin soon.

By the way, yesterday, the Government of the Federation of BiH suspended the director of the Federal Administration of Civil Protection, Fahrudin Solak, and his function will be taken over by the former assistant Mustafa Kadribegović.

Patria /

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