He is DR. Hamid Choi Yong Kil Hafizhahulloh, a native Korean Muslim who translated the Qur’an into Korean for the first time

This translation project took approximately 7 years.
Currently, besides being a preacher, he also works as a lecturer in Islamic Studies and Arabic at a university in South Korea.
He had received his education at the Islamic University of Madinah, and at that time the rector was Samahatusy Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Baz Rahiimahulloh.
He had a special position in the heart of the Shaykh. He was often invited and entertained at the shaykh’s house. Maybe because he comes from a country where Muslims are a minority.
Shaykh bin Baz was very impressed with him, especially the depth of his knowledge and moral dignity.
His scientific work apart from translating the Koran into Korean also translates Shohih Bukhari, and he also has other written works, either self-written or translated into Islamic fields of more than 90 titles.
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