The gun-toting couple drew their weapons on nearly 300 protesters in St Louis, Missouri, on Sunday who had demanded the resignation of the local mayor Lyda Krewson.

This is the chilling moment a married couple pull guns on protesters during a peaceful Black Lives Matter demonstration in the US.

The pair brandished a handgun and an automatic weapon at the gathering which took place in St Louis, Missouri, on Sunday.
Reports say that around 300 people had broken down the entrance of a gated community and had attempted to march past when the confrontation took place.

The gun-toting couple, named locally as lawyers Mark and Patricia McCloskey, angrily warned protesters to stay away from their home in the wealthy, predominantly white neighbourhood of Forest Park.
One video circulating on social media shows the woman holding her gun at a protester wearing a ‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ t-shirt.
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