Brazilian President’s Son Charged with Embezzlement, Graft

Brazilian prosecutors once more centered the own circle of relatives of the country’s President Jair Bolsonaro, charging on Monday his son Flávio with embezzlement, cash laundering, and heading a crook organization, local O Globo newspaper reported.

The Rio de Janeiro prosecutor reportedly stated that the Republican Senator Flávio Bolsonaro, collectively together along with his former adviser Fabrício Queiroz, obtained “as a minimum 2.7 million reals (US$ 480,700) in coins,” thru a crook scheme.

While he changed into serving withinside the Rio de Janeiro nation legislature, the President’s son allegedly prepared and ran a corruption scheme in which, as Reuters reported, “personnel could chill a part of their revenue to him.”

O Globe referred to excerpts from the 300-web page indictment, announcing that Bolsonaro junior, who has been an accomplice in a chocolate store, acquired 1.6 million reals ($282,420) in coins which were “artificially inserted into the company’s equity.”

The investigators, consistent with the newspaper, have additionally registered several irregularities in Bolsonaro’s buy of actual estates, like flats in Copacabana, Laranjeiras, or Barra da Tijuca.

The newspaper defined the Bolsonaros as a sturdy own circle of relatives extended family that deployed 102 humans tied to them to exceptional positions over the past 28 years.

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