United Nations and the European Union must take measures to urgently suspend Milorad Dodik as an exponent of neo-Nazism

APPEAL OF THE BOSNIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS “KULIN BAN” TO  Bosnian politicians, embassies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the High Representative, international community organizations, NGOs, intellectuals, and others who see Bosnia and Herzegovina as their homeland – to wake up and raise their voices against the announcement of the senseless collapse of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Embodied in the actions of Milorad Dodik and his supporters, the same Greater Serbia policy of Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic is on the scene today, which led to horrific war crimes, including genocide, for which the two were sentenced to life imprisonment, and almost the entire political and military leadership to sentences of long-term (several and life) imprisonments.

As it is known, the intention to break up Bosnia and Herzegovina was prevented by the Greater Serbia policy thanks to the actions of the Army of RBiH, but also the NATO pact in late August and early September 1995, and the war against Bosnia and Herzegovina ended with the Peace Agreement on November 21 in Dayton. But that agreement, which was signed in Paris on December 14, did not enable the development of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a functional state. On the contrary, he gave the same forces that failed to break up Bosnia and Herzegovina with aggression the opportunity to carry out their plan in peace, continuously undermining and destabilizing the state.

Milorad Dodik’s announcement of “withdrawal” of consent for the formation of the Armed Forces and the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and “return” to the entity level of all competencies given to the state – is the most serious blow to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s constitutional order. Therefore, it is extremely important to remind that the state is given all competencies on the basis of the provision of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina on additional competencies.

The provision of Article 3 of the Constitution refers to the competencies of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Article 1, paragraph 1 exhaustively lists ten competencies of the state, and the same provision (in paragraph 5 of Article 3) speaks of additional competencies that also belong to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Constitution literally states the following about the additional competencies of the state:

 (A) Bosnia and Herzegovina shall assume jurisdiction in such matters as may be agreed upon by the Entities; matters provided for in Annexes 5 to 8 of the General Framework Agreement; or which are necessary for the preservation of the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and international subjectivity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in accordance with the division of competencies among the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Additional institutions may be established as necessary to exercise these responsibilities. “

The High Representative is the person who gives an interpretation of what needs to be placed under the jurisdiction of Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to fulfill the content of this provision. The High Representative is established by Annex 10, and Article 5 of that annex clearly and unequivocally states that he is the final interpreter of the civilian part of the Dayton Agreement, ie everything except Annex 1, which refers to military implementation.

Acting as if this extremely important constitutional provision on additional competencies does not exist, Milorad Dodik announces that he will abolish the competencies of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, to which, among other things, the consent of the Republika Srpska has been given.

Dodik’s announcement of a coup

Dodik’s statement that the National Assembly of the Republika Srpska will “restore” the competencies that the High Representatives transferred to Bosnia and Herzegovina using the constitutional provision on additional competencies is an explicit announcement of a coup d’etat, and that, if they are prevented from doing so, to activate the story of peaceful dissolution – which is, in fact, the name for the disintegration of the state, that is, for the “exit” of the RS from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

After numerous statements that Bosnia and Herzegovina is an “impossible state” and that he wants its disappearance, racist belittling of the Bosniak people, numerous heinous insults against former High Representatives, and challenging the legality of Chistian Schmidt – Dodik reached the Rubicon with his latest statements. It is obvious that his actions will bring Bosnia and Herzegovina into a new war because we cannot have peace and such a person on the political scene at the same time. Bosnia and Herzegovina must no longer be a passive hostage of this extremely destructive, obviously insane man and his dangerous intentions.

That is why the Bosnian Academy of Sciences and Arts “Kulin Ban” appeals:

The High Representative, representatives of the Contact Group member states who are also witnesses to the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement, the international community, and above all the United Nations and the European Union must take measures to urgently suspend Milorad Dodik as an exponent of neo-Nazism. to his like-minded people.

Responsible Bosnian politicians regardless of party affiliation, intellectuals, and all other citizens who have Bosnia and Herzegovina in their hearts must raise their voices – in order to let everyone know that the destruction of Bosnia and Herzegovina will not be allowed.

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