ABOVE THE CORONA Mandic and his experts are Chernobyl for our economy

Experts said, experts suggested. We listen to the experts. Experts approved.

No federal press headquarters conferences have been held so far about the coronavirus epidemic without any of the speakers inviting experts.

Much of the blame has shifted to people we don’t see and who don’t show up at press conferences. But that’s why at these conferences we have a permanent trio – Vjekoslav Mandic – Goran Cerkez – Davor Pehar.

When asked not to test the masses, the answer is the way experts ask, why quarantine like this – experts say, why you put people in tents instead of sending them home in isolation – experts say. When to reduce restrictive measures – when experts decide.

NO! This was, in a word, a landmine. The measures were agitated because of the Constitutional Court, not experts. And changed significantly when the petty dictators realized they had been burglarized.

Children and the elderly finally saw the light of day and welcomed freedom. Although we all know that the Constitutional Court of BiH deserves it, these staffs again referred to experts.

Of course, we didn’t see experts again this time.

And it would be interesting for already worn out media faces to leave some space for these experts, to ask them questions and directly, in the broadcast, see what they say.

Because, we already met Vjekoslav Mandic, Minister of Health of the FBiH, and unfortunately, we were also acquainted with his knowledge of geography. We learned from him that Germany and the UK are neighboring countries, that WHO praises us wherever he arrives, that everything is done properly …

From Mandic we also saw some dodik manners. He compared the number of patients in the FBiH entity and Germany. It’s like comparing the Sarajevo river Tilav with the Thames.

Tests and tests have, from the beginning, been the most interesting and largest cause of public disputes with the entity’s Federal Minister of Health and Staffs.

WHO says test, test, test. Federal staffs repeat, no need. And then, after the public reaction, hundreds of thousands of tests are procured. And again it is not tested en masse.

They miss with some averages, smear their eyes with numbers, and actually continue to test very little.

Since March 5, when the first cases of coronavirus infection were recorded in BiH, Bosnia and Herzegovina has performed a total of 29,130 ​​tests. When looking at testing statistics against one million people in BiH, 8,879 tests were performed, according to Worldometer data.

Even today, the staff told the story how praised they were, how well they were doing, how many tests were enough.

But the data gives them away, they say otherwise, they find that our staffs are lying and in the end, the question is what about the tests.

On one occasion, TK Health Minister Diana Colic told me that one test examines five samples. So, of those 150 thousand tests purchased, our EXPERTS were able to test 750 thousand samples.

Instead of being massively tested, they opted for tyranny against their citizens and a nuclear catastrophe for BiH. economy. The economic radiation of their decisions will be felt for years to come, and a hungry mouth escapes the country with a belly for bread.

Aware of their mistakes, the minister and his staff compare us to countries that have not tested much either. They use the old recipe for manipulation to prove they are right. They compare themselves with Croatia and famously say “here they are and they tested like we do”.

Since the minister does not like to be compared to “distant” countries and prefer to compare them with neighbors like Germany, we will also compare this information.

Germany tested around 30,000 samples per million inhabitants, and a total of over 2.5 million tests were performed.

In Slovenia, with which Mandic also compared, about one million have been tested per million, with a total of almost 53 thousand. Slovakia has fewer coronavirus patients and deaths than BiH, and has tested twice as many as one million people. When it comes to the total number of tests in Slovakia, there are three times more than in BiH.

Although Mandic does not like further Europe, we will also compare the data of a South Asian country with Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is the Kingdom of Bhutan, with a population of 770 thousand.

In Bhutan, a total of seven people fell ill, five recovered and two were actively ill. No dead. Despite such data, Bhutan has more tested per million than Bosnia and Herzegovina.

According to Worldometer data, one thousand people in Bhutan have tested 13,000 samples. So much more than BiH. It follows from all that the so-called. The Crown’s law to mitigate the effects of a pandemic on the economy should by no means be called so.

It would be much more correct if the law was called mitigation of the decisions of Mandic and experts during the coronavirus pandemic.

For, the policy of the Ministry of Health and Mandic is headed by Chernobyl for the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Patria / Balkantimes.press

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