The American Chamber of Commerce AmCham BiH celebrates 20 years of being the voice of the business community in ??

It was an honor to help celebrate their anniversary and to recognize the founders and longest-serving AmCham members.
Twenty years is significant, especially in a country like Bosnia and Herzegovina, where nothing is easy.
AmCham has come an impressively long way since my arrival, and I am confident that they will thrive over the next 20 years.
AmChams across the world are critical embassy partners in supporting American businesses, and just as importantly, American business values.
They are an important advocate for the creation of a healthy and stable business environment in BiH built on transparency and the rule of law.
How Joseph Biden Can Save the Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina
I’ve urged them today to advocate with the government at all levels to finally get serious about creating a better business environment, something that will benefit all companies, both foreign and domestic, and unleash Bosnia and Herzegovina’s economic potential.
#usainbih #business #commerce #transparency #ruleoflaw #bosniaandherzegovina
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