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What happened to the superfast trains in the last 15 years?

I’m a little older, so I remember the news of the development of superfast trains, their incredible speed, accuracy and safety.

Image: UIC

I think the first ones were developed by the Japanese, but they quickly engaged in this technological race and it was very successful involving the EU states, mostly the French, and it said that the Chinese decided to develop this technology.

It was an attraction with speeds of more than 200 km/h and an example of how new technologies penetrate the most traditional, severely changing pores of the economy and life.

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For people in these areas in particular, it was all surreal because we are driving in “zugs” that barely reach 50 km per hour and late hours in departure, and even more in arrival.

It was fanciful that once we became a more developed country, superfast trains would also run here.

And then those news slowly disappeared from the media.

Here and there are still reports of a scandal in the S.R. and some other attractive new technologies that are now occupying our attention.

And what happened to the superfast trains? In the last 15 years, China has made progress in building a high-speed rail network.

According to data from the UIC, the World Railway Organization, today, in 2020, there are more than 35,000 km of lines for such trains, which is about 2/3 of all high-speed lines in the world.

D.M. /

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