In 1995, less than 1% of the world’s population had internet access. The first billion online people reached in 2005, the second in 2010, the third in 2014, and today there are 4.65 billion. About another 40% of the world’s population is not online.
It will be clear to anyone who looks closely at the attached map that the next billion comes primarily from Asia, then Africa and South America.
Many will understand this, but most people with us today are not aware that by now the largest number of people using the internet comes from Asia, over 50% of all.
And while only 14% of Americans are still without the internet, as well as about 20% of Europeans, for example, the number of Americans without internet is 14%.
India, which already has the world’s second-largest internet market, has 50% of its population, and 685 million Indians have yet to gain access to the internet.
The largest internet market in the world is China with its 60% of its population already plugged in, but China is also the second-largest with more than 582 million people still not networked.
The third is Pakistan, which alone can join another 145 million people, roughly like the USA & EU combined.
If these countries continue to grow at rates similar to the ones we have so far, we can present to ourselves what online life will look like in the next few years.
No wonder some Americans are nervous 🙂
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