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New drug in the Balkans: 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine

New drug in the Balkans: 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine

Authorities say the mixing of xylazine with fentanyl has created a deadly cocktail. Photo: NDTV

A new drug is circulating in the Balkans: The zombie drug appeared in the Croatian neighborhood. An emergency meeting was held
Zombie drug effects. Photo:

After the association Prevent warned that it suspected that the death of four drug users was caused by the use of fentanyl, the Serbian Ministry of Health took all available measures

As it says, The Prevent association warned of four deaths among drug users suspected of having taken fentanyl – a chemical substitute for the drug heroin. According to the information they shared with the Ministry of Health of Serbia, this dangerous substance also appeared in countries in the region.

The Center for Drug Monitoring urgently informed the competent institutions through the early warning system to provide information on registered deaths of fentanyl users as well as data on the appearance or seizure of this dangerous drug on the territory of Serbia.

The National Center for Poison Control, all national branches of the Institute of Forensic Medicine, as well as the forensic center of the Ministry of Interior and Customs were notified. An emergency meeting of the government Commission for Psychoactive Substances was convened and held, and it was established that there is no registered death case caused by fentanyl in the whole of Serbia and that there was no seizure, and according to unofficial information from national contact points, such cases were not recorded in Macedonia, BiH, and Montenegro either. Burning.

Fentanyl is a drug about 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine and is mainly given to patients suffering from extremely severe pain, especially after surgery. In addition to reducing pain, it also relieves the anxiety and stress of the person taking it. It is a drug where even the smallest amounts are fatal.

However, in recent years it has begun to be abused as a synthetic drug and has become the leading cause of overdose death in the US. Today it is known as the ‘zombie drug’ which arrived in Europe, including in Croatia, where the first deaths were recorded.


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