The best crisis management manager in the world: Everything in the world is a system and every system has a subsystem. The crisis is a big change, the subsystems are changing at an incredible rate.
If there is a major crisis, disintegration occurs. This is a big challenge. Those who cannot withstand will disappear, and if the subsystems are strong, they will survive. All of this examines who will survive.
There will be a rift between states, businesses and weak families. Businesses have no sales, no money, they will start laying off workers to survive, that’s a mistake. There will be a bigger crack, there will be social problems, they will attack in the streets to take food, an economic and political crisis will start.
The suggestion for states and the economy is that whatever they do, they must close the crack. Instead of dismissal, we need to look for solutions that strengthen brotherhood and unity. The results of the coronavirus will be worse than the disease itself. I’m afraid for BiH, it has cracks, how this will withstand is the question. In this situation, small cracks will become like a “grand canyon”.
We need to be together, come out stronger than this, look at who we are and what we are. People are lazy. Trust in yourself and your keys. Stop crying, look for the guilty, when we do not know who is guilty. Looking for a solution. We need to come out stronger than we did in a crisis. We cannot solve the coronavirus, it is not our war. /