Prkos Palestinaca. Čovjek stoji na vrhu ruševina džamije Qlebo u sjevernoj Gazi, koju je uništio Izrael, i poziva na molitvu.

Izrael poručuje svijetu da su bogomolje sada legitimne vojne mete
The defiance of the Palestinians.
A man stands atop the rubble of the Qlebo Mosque in Northern Gaza, destroyed by Israel, and makes the call to prayer. Israel is effectively declaring to the world that places of worship are now legitimate targets.— Condition Red (@conditionred7) May 17, 2021
Slike pokazuju šta je ostalo od džamije Qlebo u izbjegličkom kampu Jabalia u severnom pojasu Gaze poslije izraelskog vazdušnog napada.
What's left of Qlebo mosque at the Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip after Israeli airstrike.
— Aldin 🇧🇦 (@aldin_aba) May 15, 2021
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