Azerbejdžan i Armenija postigli dogovor o privremenom humanitarnom primirju koje na snagu stupa 18. oktobra od ponoći.
Humanitarno primirje koje su u Nagorno-Karabahu proglasile Jermenija i Azerbejdžan od ponoći 18. oktobra.
BREAKING – A Humanitarian truce declared in Nagorno-Karabakh by Armenia and Azerbaijan from midnight on 18th October.
— Chuniya Chand Chaukhan (@5thVed) October 17, 2020
(VIDEO) Azerbejdžan: U armenskom napadu na Ganju poginulo 12 civila
(VIDEO) Armenija napala civile u Tartaru: Troje poginulih, petero ranjenih
1. Armenia, having run away from the Heroic Army of Azerbaijan on the front line, once again hit civilian settlements in Ganja with missiles in cowardly fashion. Brotherly Azerbaijan is responding to this heinous act, on the front lines.
— T.C. Millî Savunma Bakanlığı (@tcsavunma) October 17, 2020
This is not a war zone.
This is the city center. This was a building where many families lived.This is Azerbaijan’s second largest city and home to 500,000 people.
Why United Nations is silent?#StopArmenianAggression #PrayForGanja #StopArmenianTerrorism#BevoiceofGanjacity— İdris Əliyev⚡ (@IdrisEliyefx) October 17, 2020
Do you know the impact of SCUDs on the environment? Using SCUD will affect the environment
drastically and destroy nearby facilities. #GanjaCity #StopArmenianAggression#ArmeniaKillsCivilians#KarabakhisAzerbaijan#StopArmenianOccupation#DontBelieveArmenia#OpenYourEyers— Babi 🇦🇿🇹🇷🇵🇰🙏🕵️♀️ (@cemnedteam2) October 17, 2020
Izvor: Agencije/Društvene mreže
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